Tuesday, April 9, 2013


What a wonderful day we had celebrating our Risen Lord!  Church, family time, & a family dinner make for a wonderful day!  HE IS RISEN!!!

Easter Sunday ~ 2013
Karaffa Kiddies
So sweet!
We are blessed, happy...& thankful!

egg hunt

We love egg hunts!  This year, we got to have an egg hunt at our home with our cousins, McKinly & Easton, & we had a great time.  We love family traditions and enjoying our time together!!

Karaffa Kiddies ~ April 2013
The gang ~ Easton, Averie, Brecken, Brady, & McKinly
The gang's all ready to hunt for eggs!
Ready, set...hunt!  This was Brecken's first true egg hunt, and he loved every minute of it...
...& loved putting all his eggs in his basket!
Big smiles from one happy egg hunter!
And, another egg hunter...
He also loved every bit of it...and was one happy egg hunter!
This beautiful egg hunter loved helping hide the eggs...& finding the eggs.
Going through his "loot."
Loved that their was yummy candy in every egg!
Daddy & Brecken
And, Brecken & Mommy
Poppy & Nana with all their grandchildren
Our Family ~ Egg Hunt 2013

picture day

I am all ready for my spring picture day!!  Aren't I just handsome?

iphone pix

One of the best things about Mommy's iPhone (other than playing games on it for us!!) is all the pics she can take with it.  But, that also means that there are a good bit of random pics from various activities in our lives.  Here are a few of the latest...

A few weeks ago, Oma took Mommy, me (Averie) and my cousin, Stephanie to go see Peter Pan (the play).  We loved it...lots of pretty dresses and dancing!  The only thing we didn't like was that there was no dialogue...only singing!  Mommy & me!

Thanks, Oma.  We had a fun time!!
This is how I looked when Mommy picked me up from gymnastics...I'm looking good, right? :)
Brecken wanted to wave at the Easter Bunny that was at the mall one morning.  After waving, he decided he wanted to have his picture taken with him...but from a foot or so away! :)
Then, after the picture, he surprised Mommy by going up to the bunny and giving him/her a hug!  So sweet!  (He is usually afraid of dressed up animals...other than Santa!)
After bath one night, Brecken was taking Mommy's order, and it was so cute!!
This is Averie's first expository paragraph that she wrote at school.  She was very proud of her work...and so were we!  Such a sweet little paragraph...even if we though her favorite colors were pink and purple! :)
Building a lego train.  I love my duplo legos!!  (A big thanks again to Uncle Art/Aunt Kelly & Uncle Blair/Aunt Blip Blip!)
I (Brady) LOVE the Hulk....
...& dressing like him, too!!  

Reading the Bible to sweet!
Brecken stopped getting dressed to read a book...Mommy loves those sweet little toes sticking out!
I (Brady) was pretty sick one week with the flu and strep!!  After a few days of meds and lots of rest, I started feeling good enough to build a few lego creations and give Mommy a smile!!
I usually love doing the dinner dishes...
Brady with his best bud (& cousin), McKinly, ready to fix a few things around the house!
While Brady is in Tae Kwon Do, Averie & I get to draw on their wall chalkboard.  It's lots of fun!
We recently celebrated our cousin's, Easton, 2nd birthday with dinner at an Italian place near Concord Mills.  Afterwards, we walked over to the carousels so that we could ride the carousel.  We all loved it!!

Stephanie & Me
Nana with Brecken & Easton
(Thanks, Nana, for riding with Brecken since carousels make Mommy sick!)
Me & McKinly
The kids wanted to spend some of their recent gifts cards (thanks, Oma!) at Target on the first day of Spring Break.  So, off to Target we went.  While we were there, Brecken found these headphones, put them on, & started jammin' to the music!  It was adorable!!
Speaking of adorable...he also gave Mommy a super sweet smile when she took his picture!