Saturday, February 23, 2013

the magic of disney

Before we start kindergarten, Daddy & Mommy take each of us to Disney for a long weekend.  This time, it was my (Brady) turn.  But, I was completely surprised.  Daddy & Mommy picked me up from preschool, and I was excited to see Daddy especially.  (Mommy always picks me up, so seeing Daddy was a treat!)  When I asked where we were going, Daddy just said to the airport.  I asked if we were going on another big boat (we just got back from our VW family cruise a month ago, and that was the only time I have flown on an airplane.), and Daddy said no.  He told me that we were just going to fly around for a little bit and then head home.  That was enough for more questions, and I was excited.  We got to the airport, got on the flight, and I was ready to go.  When one man asked me if I was excited about where we were going, I just said, "Sir, we are just flying around for a little bit and then landing back at home."  Daddy & Mommy just laughed!  Once we landed in Orlando, I still had no clue.  I just knew we weren't at home anymore.  Right before getting on the Magic Disney bus, Daddy & Mommy asked me if I knew where we were going.  I still didn't.  So, they told me, "We are taking you to Disney for the weekend...just you."  I jumped up and down, waving my hands in the air, saying "woohoo, woohoo."  I was SOOO excited.  And, thus began our wonderful, memory filled, long weekend in Disney...just Daddy, Mommy, and me.

We got in around dinner on Wednesday evening, so after checking into our room, we headed to downtown Disney for dinner.  We ate at Portobello's...and it was yummy!  Before we ate, we walked to a few stores...including the lego store.  I loved it!!!  They had SO many characters built out of SO many legos.  Here is Daddy & me...with this animal coming out of the water...all built of legos...right before you walk into the store.
Then, we walked into the store, and I saw him...the of my favorite characters...all out of legos again.  It was SO cool!
More legos...Buzz & me
Woody & me
At the store, they also had a game going with a new got a chance to spin this thing and see if you could get it to go through the legs of one of the 2 lego "men" standing there.  So, Daddy helping me get it all ready...
...and off it went...right between the legs of one of the 2 lego "men."  So, I won!!  I won a little baggie filled with lego goodies...magazine, small accessory piece, poster, and more!  So cool!
And, my Mommy and me right after dinner.
The next morning started our official DAY 1 of Disney.  And, what better way to start your trip that with breakfast at Chef Mickey' of Daddy & Mommy's favorites!  We stayed at the Contemporary Resort and loved it, so getting to breakfast was really easy since the restaurant was in the hotel! :)  
Chef Mickey's is a yummy buffet filled with all sorts of breakfast foods...from eggs, pancakes, and pastries to fruit, oatmeal, cereal, and donuts...and even Mickey shaped waffles.  Yummy!
The best part...the characters walk around the tables and stop by for pictures and an autograph.  I loved it.  I got to meet the "real" (as I told my parents) Donald Duck...
...(and they each signed my autograph book)...
...and Goofy...
...and Mickey Mouse...
...and Minnie Mouse...
...and Pluto!!
It was such a fun breakfast...I loved it!!
Then, it was time to head over to MAGIC KINGDOM!!!  We rode on the monorail and arrived...ready to walk around.  I was super impressed at how quickly Mickey could get from Chef Mickey's to Magic Kingdom...and change his clothes...guess he has a faster way of getting there! :)
Here we are...ready for some fun!
Mommy & me...and Cinderella's castle!
We spent the day walking around (a lot), meeting various characters, riding rides, eating food, becoming priates, watching a parade, and all sorts of good fun.  Here are Daddy and me on the people mover ride...nice and slow, breezy ride to start our adventure.
Then, it was time...for my FIRST real roller coaster.  SPACE MOUNTAIN!!  Daddy & Mommy thought they'd have to drag me on this ride kicking and screaming, but not at all!!! I went with excitement (& a little fear), and I came out LOVING it.  Right after the ride, I said, "Now that was awesome.  Let's do it again!"  It was so fun!  And, thanks to fast passes, we were able to ride it three times that day!
Another fun ride...race cars!!  I told Daddy to relax and that I would be the driver for him...and though he got a little "car sick" from all the bumping around I was still a fun ride!
Just sweet me...loving my time in Disney!
Due to lots of walking, this is how I got around Disney occasionally.  Thanks, Daddy, for the lift!
Adventures through the Swiss Family Robinson treenhouse with Mommy...
...& with Daddy!
Another fun stop...pirate adventures.  Here was a pirate telling us how to fight like a pirate...
...& inviting all of us to become pirates!
(I'm on the far right...accepting my invite to becoming a pirate!)
So, to become a pirate, I wanted to look like a pirate.  So, off we went to the Pirates League.  When we got there, I had to sign my name on the Jake and the Neverland Pirate form...can you see my name?
Signing my name on the pirate pledge...
Then, it was time to look like Jake from Jake and the Neverland Pirates
I smiled so big when I saw myself in the mirror...I looked just like Jake!
Just call me Jake!
I picked Daddy to look like this pirate...and I loved did Daddy!
And, Mommy was also a pirate, but it wasn't as drastic as Daddy.  So, here is our little pirate family!
Daddy & me...sword fighting!
Just me...
I loved it...& Daddy & Mommy thought I looked so cute!!
"it's a pirate's life for us!"
And, I took this picture of Daddy & pirate parents!

Daddy's pirate face drew so much attention that people would stop to ask him for his picture.  This group of 15 year old girls was the first to stop Daddy for a picture.  It was too funny!!  I felt Daddy was famous! :)
A random picture of my super cool pirate Daddy!
Though this picture is dark, here I am dancing with Goofy!  He was singing on stage with Donald and the chipmunks...then they came off the stage to dance with us.  I loved it!
Time for the parade at Cinderella's castle...lots of characters were there!
Mickey & Minnie
And, my pirate Daddy & Mommy enjoying the parade with me!
My Mommy & me
Riding another super fun roller coaster with Daddy...Goofy's Barnstormer!  I loved it!! 
What a wonderful day we had at Magic Kingdom.  Lots of great memories made.  We finished the day off with watching fireworks...
...and they were beautiful fireworks!
I was so tired that Daddy offered to carry me back to our looked so sweet...
...until Daddy made this face at Mommy.  No wonder people kept looking at Daddy.  He looked super cool during the day, but I think he may have looked scary to some children at night. :) I thought he looked awesome!
The next morning, after a good night's sleep and breakfast at the hotel, we headed off the HOLLYWOOD STUDIOS for most of the day.  
At first, I was ready to meet some of my favorite characters...first off, JAKE!!!!
I loved finally meeting Jake.  It was awesome!
Then, I got to meet Handy Manny...
...& Wreck it Ralph!!
So cool!
Daddy, Mommy, & me with Wreck-it-Ralph and Venelope
I also got to meet Woody & Buzz.  I even got a chance to really visit and play with them.  It was cool!
Giving "knucks" with Buzz!
Us with Buzz & Woody
On our way out, we ran into one of the green army fun!
(Mommy loves how I am holding his hand!)
We headed over to the playset of "Honey, I Shrunk the Kids."  Though I didn't get what it was all about (I have never seen the movie), I liked playing on all the super sized grass and dirt!!  Here I am with Andy!
And, I FINALLY got to meet Sully.  I have been wanting to meet him ever since I saw (& absolutely LOVED) the movie and since Averie got to meet him a few years ago.  I ran to him and just gave him a big hug...
...scary face...
Mike, Sully, & me
For lunch, we got to eat at the Sci-Fi theater...sitting in old fashioned cars as our table...enjoying "diner style" food...all while sci-fi cartoons and shows were playing on a big movie screen!
After lunch, we headed to the Star Wars area, rode the Star Wars ride...
...& I got to make my own light saber (with Daddy)...
...putting it altogether!
Mommy loved this shirt for me, so we took a picture!
Me & my light saber!

We also loved riding the Toy Story Mania ride.  It is such a popular ride that the wait (in off season) is usually an average of 60-90 minutes...and they run out of fast passes by lunch time.  So, thankfully, we knew that, so we grabbed our fast passes early in the day and was able to ride the ride with minimal wait in the afternoon!  It's a super fun, 4D interactive ride with all sorts of carnival style games and such!
"Are my glasses on straight"? :)
Before we left Hollywood Studios, we watched the Indian Jones stunt show.  It was super cool!  Before the show started, Mommy took a few pics of me... I not just precious...
...and happy?
The show had all sorts of cool stunts...
...and an explosive fire at the end!  I enjoyed it!
After we left Hollywood Studios, we headed over to EPCOT for the evening.  If you stay in one of the Disney resorts on the property, then you can take advantage of magic hours (where a particular park opens up an hour early or stays open 2 hours later for only those who are guests at a Disney resort) we took advantage of the magic hours for epcot so we could stay for a few hours.  Yes, it makes for a long day, but we were only here for a few days...and we wanted to see as much as we could! :)  Here are Daddy & me...with the "golf ball" really dark behind us! :)  (We even rode in the "golf ball."  I thought that was pretty cool!)
Us...on the aquarium ride...the ride was cheesy, but walking through the the huge aquarium was awesome!
Daddy & Me...oh, and a HUGE sea turtle behind cool!!
Checking out the fish...and that huge stingray!
Inside a shark's mouth...ok, this one was pretend, but the sea turtle and stingray were totally real!
After riding rides, watching the fireworks, and riding more rides, we headed back to our hotel around 10:30.  (We started our day at 8:00.)  I didn't quite make it to our room...I fell fast asleep about 5 minutes before we got to the monorail!! :)  Yes, I was heavy for Daddy & Mommy, but they took turns carrying me, so it wasn't too bad.
And, our last full day started with ANIMAL KINGDOM!!
Daddy & his mini-me...I even told him on this day that he was my hero and that I wanted to be just like him one day!  Of course, people already tell me that I am already just like him, and I'm ok with that! :)
Animal we come!!
After Daddy & I were pirates for the day (and Mommy, too, but she didn't look like us!), I wanted to dress alike with Daddy every day.  He told me we could wear matching shirts one day, but we couldn't find any normal looking ones that had Daddy and my sizes.  So, today, I just opted to look like Daddy by wearing a green shirt, sunglasses, and a hat...just like him!!  Here we are...waiting in line to ride Everest...the BEST roller coaster EVER!!  It goes forwards AND backwards!! I LOVED it!
We also took a fun safari ride...Kilimanjaro Safari ride.  It was so cool seeing all the different animals "in their habitat."  Here are Mommy & me...enjoying the adventure!
A hippo enjoying the sun...and a bird on top of her.  I told Mommy that the bird was tickling the hippo, but he must not be very ticklish.  I also said other really funny things...ask her about them if you want a good laugh! :)
Look at all these alligators...
...and one (of several) giraffes walking right by us...they are so tall!!
We also enjoyed lunch at the Rainforest Cafe...yummy!
We also watched a Bug's Life clip in 3D!!  I don't think I liked it very much...even though I did try to "grab" the bugs that were flying RIGHT in front of me!!  But, the bugs crawling on my seat and the bug who sneezed on me was not what I liked! :)  Daddy & Mommy thought it was hilarious!! 
Playing on the super cool, fossil playground in Dino-Land (part of Animal Kingdom)
Just playing...
"Oh no...he's going to eat me!"
Just kidding...I'm all smiles!
Just taking a break...aren't I adorable?
On this last full day (our 3rd full day here), Daddy & Mommy got me a stroller to ride in.  I was so thrilled to ride in that throughout the legs were starting to get tired from all that walking!!
Mommy catching a few pics of me playing in the grass right before riding Everest again!!
I love Disney World!
What a fun day at Animal Kingdom!!  We headed back to our room around 6:30 to get ready for our last Pirate Adventure.  Mommy & I wore our swords (& I brought my gun!) to the adventure, and they gave us super cool bandanas to wear on the adventure!

Here we are...pirates again!
Daddy & me
Mommy & me
Soon after it all started, we got to meet Captain Hook and Mr. Smee.  I was SO excited!!
I was even wearing my Jake and the Neverland Pirates shirt, so I was showing them, and they loved it!
Us with Captain Hook and Mr. Smee
And, just me with them!
Then, after some snacks (pirate booty, drinks, ice cream, and cotton candy...yes, they sugared us all up!), we got on board our "pirate ship" to watch a cool laser show...and then the fireworks over Magic Kingdom!  Here are Mommy & me!
Laser show...a whale & a turtle...
...and a dragon...and more!
Daddy & me...watching the fireworks!
So pretty!
Our pirate crew leader and's a pirate's life for us!
Then, when we got off the "pirate ship," we got to meet Peter Pan...what a fun pirate adventure!
Our last morning, we got up, checked out of our hotel, and headed to Downtown Disney for our final lunch!!  Here I am on our last time.  What a wonderfully fun trip we had!
Riding the bus to downtown Disney!
And, Daddy & me...heading to T-Rex for lunch!
Mommy & me inside the restaurant.  It's a lot like Rainforest Cafe, but bigger animals...and lots of super cool dinosaurs!  Yummy atmosphere!
And, one last picture before heading back to the airport!  We had such a wonderful time together...riding lots of rides, laughing a lot together, taking lots of pictures, getting lots of autographs, and making wonderful memories that I'll never forget.  What a great way to celebrate starting kindergarten!!  I sure love Disney world, and I am already ready to go back! :)