Monday, March 18, 2013

daddy/daughter dance

 My school hosted a Daddy/Daughter Dance, and I was so excited about it.  I asked Daddy if he would be my "date," and of course, he was happy to take me.  I mean, I am his little girl! :)

So, a few weeks before, Mommy told me that she & I could have a "girl's night" and go shopping for a new dress (Daddy said "yes" to a new dress!) & shoes.  Well, on the morning of the night we planned to go out, I asked Mommy if Daddy could come along.  When she asked me why, I just told her, "I want Daddy there to approve of my dress."  I wasn't sure why Mommy got all teary-eyed, but she assured me that Daddy could go (if he wanted to), and that she was okay with Daddy always approving of my clothes and such.  So, Daddy (& my brothers, too) came with us.  We went to Dillard's and I picked out and tried on 9 dresses.  Each one I would put on with Mommy's help, and then go out of the dressing room and show Daddy.  After trying on all the dresses, we (Daddy, Mommy, & me) each picked out our favorite 2...and then our most favorite of all.  And, surprisingly, we all had picked the exact same dress...this lilac colored one.  Then, I asked Daddy if he would get a tie that matched my dress.  He was happy to!  So, we went to pick out his purple tie, and we were all set for the dance.  (Mommy got my shoes a few days later!)

I was so excited to get all dressed up.  That afternoon, I went with Aunt Helen, Kaitlyn, & Stephanie to get my nails painted.  Then, Mommy curled my hair.  After putting my dress on...I was ready.  Daddy got all dressed up, too, and I thought we looked great!

Here is my Daddy & Me...all ready for the Daddy/Daughter Dance!
My Daddy giving me, his little girl, a kiss!
 Daddy & me
 Just me
 The side view of my dress and hair
 And, as a surprise for me, Daddy got me a wrist corsage to wear to the dance.  It was so pretty...and matched me dress! ;)
Smelled so good!
 My Daddy & me...heading out to our first Daddy/Daughter dance.  We had such a fun night of dancing, seeing my friends, and eating cupcakes!  I sure love spending time with my Daddy!

Saturday, March 9, 2013


Our church started offering AWANA this year!  We were so super excited.  Mommy grew up going to AWANA, and she always said how much she loved it.  So, now it was our turn.  It's on Wednesday evening, and we get to memorize/recite Bible verses, play games, listen to a Bible story, and learn lots about Jesus while playing with our friends.  It's so much fun.  (Brecken isn't quite old enough yet, but he wanted to be a part of the picture...too cute!)

Us...the Spark, the Cubbie, and the wannabe...all ready!!
I am the Sparky...
...Brady is the Cubbie!
(His vest is a little small, but he gets to be a Spark in the fall, so he will move up to the red vest!)
Happy Brecken...
...& Mommy catching him with his eyes opened for a pic!
Brecken & me...a quick piggyback ride before we head out to AWANA!
We love Awana, and we are so thankful that our church is now offering it!

snow day

Several times this year, we have had " a chance of snow."  Well, on this particular day a few weeks ago, they were seriously calling for good, we waiting and watched...and only saw a few flurries.  We were bummed again!
Then, a few hours later, it started really coming!  And, it was the "good" snow...and it was several inches.  It came fast...and it was beautiful to watch it come down!  (Yes, we 
"residents of Huntersville" haven't seen any good snow for a few years!)  Then, Daddy & Mommy said, "Let's get out and play in the snow!!  We may not see it again this year!"  So, we bundled up...and out we went.

Me in the snow!
Brady in the snow!
Brecken's first snow...and he was excited...and a little cramped inside all his his face was hilarious!

Us enjoying the snow...even as it's still coming down!
Snowball fight with Daddy...
...then, it was time to build a snowman...
Us and our undecorated (except for eyes) snowman, Bob! :)
Me making a snow angel...
...& Brady's turn!
We had a blast!
...playing, running, rolling, eating...
...& of course, super big smiles!
Check out our pretty!!
Mommy & her snow bunnies!
Daddy & his snow bunnies!
And, Brady and I found a fun hill with our neighbors...and decided to slide down it...then, we realized that under the few inches of snow, it was just mud.  But, that didn't stop us...we kept sliding and having  a blast!  (Hence, Brady and his super muddy jacket!!)  We love our snow days!

daddy date night

Something I (Averie) look forward to every chance we can...a Daddy date night!  This time was super special since I got to be Daddy's date on Valentine's day.  Daddy & Mommy don't really celebrate Valentine's Day together...they do give us little "love bags" it was a fun chance for Daddy to take me out!  We went to On the Border (our favorite place together) and had yummy food and great conversation.  I sure love my Daddy...and I love spending one on one time with him.  He's my hero!

be mine

Each year, we exchange Valentine's with our classmates!  And, each year, we get to go to the store with Mommy to pick out which Valentine's and treats that we'd like to give to our friends.  This year, Brady chose the Avengers...and did a great job signing his name on every card!
I chose a mini bag of skittles and put a sticker on each one with my friend's name on it.
We had fun working on them one afternoon!
Then, on Valentine's morning, we came downstairs to see our little "love bags" from Daddy and Mommy...filled with goodies for each of us!
I enjoyed seeing what was in my "love bag"...
I love M&M's & skittles...and all my goodies (crayons, markers, notecards, pencils, etc.)
Brady had fun with his "love bag" too...
...pencils, markers, book, little coloring book, Jake cup, etc...
...and, of course, his favorite...CANDY!!  Yum!
Brecken's turn...
Yah for markers, board book, crayons, a little notepad, a Jake cup...
...and of course, his favorite too...CANDY!!  Check out that happy smile!
Happy Valentine's Day!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

instagram shots

Mommy posts pics on Instagram (and Facebook) often.  Here are some of the ones from the past month!!

Brecken cooking some pizza...
...& giving some big smiles!
(Isn't it just too cute?)
Brecken working from home one day! :)
A typical Saturday morning...playing with lego's in our jammies!!
Mommy & Averie having a girl's afternoon...they went and got a pedicure and went to Target!
Us with our awesome Daddy one Sunday at Olive Garden!!
Brecken going for a ride one afternoon!
Us getting ready to head to Awana one Wednesday night...Brecken is too young, but he wanted to be a part of the picture! :)
Santa goes to our church...and we sure loved seeing Santa at Awana one night.  We gave him big hugs and were so excited to see him!!
Our cousins, McKinly & Easton, got to hang out at our house one Saturday!  Averie loved reading to Easton...
...while the boys (Brady & McKinly) played pirates and followed their treasure maps!