Monday, March 18, 2013

daddy/daughter dance

 My school hosted a Daddy/Daughter Dance, and I was so excited about it.  I asked Daddy if he would be my "date," and of course, he was happy to take me.  I mean, I am his little girl! :)

So, a few weeks before, Mommy told me that she & I could have a "girl's night" and go shopping for a new dress (Daddy said "yes" to a new dress!) & shoes.  Well, on the morning of the night we planned to go out, I asked Mommy if Daddy could come along.  When she asked me why, I just told her, "I want Daddy there to approve of my dress."  I wasn't sure why Mommy got all teary-eyed, but she assured me that Daddy could go (if he wanted to), and that she was okay with Daddy always approving of my clothes and such.  So, Daddy (& my brothers, too) came with us.  We went to Dillard's and I picked out and tried on 9 dresses.  Each one I would put on with Mommy's help, and then go out of the dressing room and show Daddy.  After trying on all the dresses, we (Daddy, Mommy, & me) each picked out our favorite 2...and then our most favorite of all.  And, surprisingly, we all had picked the exact same dress...this lilac colored one.  Then, I asked Daddy if he would get a tie that matched my dress.  He was happy to!  So, we went to pick out his purple tie, and we were all set for the dance.  (Mommy got my shoes a few days later!)

I was so excited to get all dressed up.  That afternoon, I went with Aunt Helen, Kaitlyn, & Stephanie to get my nails painted.  Then, Mommy curled my hair.  After putting my dress on...I was ready.  Daddy got all dressed up, too, and I thought we looked great!

Here is my Daddy & Me...all ready for the Daddy/Daughter Dance!
My Daddy giving me, his little girl, a kiss!
 Daddy & me
 Just me
 The side view of my dress and hair
 And, as a surprise for me, Daddy got me a wrist corsage to wear to the dance.  It was so pretty...and matched me dress! ;)
Smelled so good!
 My Daddy & me...heading out to our first Daddy/Daughter dance.  We had such a fun night of dancing, seeing my friends, and eating cupcakes!  I sure love spending time with my Daddy!


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