Monday, August 5, 2013

brady's 5th bday ~ family style

Happy 5th Birthday to our sweet Brady Joseph!  It's so hard to believe that he is already 5.  He is full of energy, loves Ninja Turtles, sweet, asks lots of questions, gives good hugs, loves to talk, keeps up laughing, is such a boy, eats all the time, wants to be just like Daddy, loves candy, hates to clean his room, & loves to wear gym shorts.  He is a gift from God, and we love him very much!  What a fun day we had celebrating him.

I was so excited to come downstairs and see my annual "birthday table" all decorated and set up.  This year, I wanted Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.  I loved it!  I also loved my birthday treat...a birthday cupcake for breakfast!  Yummy!
After breakfast and ready for the day...I am super excited about turning 5!
One of our first activities...Oma's house.
She couldn't make my birthday dinner, so she had a little birthday party for me at her house...presents, pound cake, & candles!  It was a fun little party!
I love my ninja turtle blanket...
...& ninja turtle jammies!
Then, it was time for my big gift...yay...a power wing scooter.
I was so excited!!  Thanks, Oma!
Then, it was time for cake!
I'm making a wish...and blowing out my candles!
My "party" guests...Oma, Averie, Brecken, me, & Mommy (taking the pics)
My sister & brother...happy it's my birthday...and that they get cake!
Then, after Oma's house, we headed to the Gem Theater in Kannapolis for their $1 movies.  They were playing Despicable Me 1, and I loved it!  We all laughed a lot.  Then, we met Daddy for lunch at Moe's (my pick).  Yummy!  After lunch, we headed to our house so I could open my presents from Daddy, Mommy, Averie, & Brecken.  

First bat and balls...
...& batting tee.  I'm all ready!
I love opening presents...
...while Daddy would read me my cards!
The Birthday Boy
All ready for my big gift...a Nintendo DS!  So excited!!
And, Mario!
Then, Averie read me her card...
...& gave me her gift!
It was the Raphael Ninja Turtle pillow/stuffed animal that I really, really wanted!
Raph (my favorite Ninja Turtle) & me
My sister & me...thanks, Averie!
Then, Brecken gave me his gift...Hulk flip flops!!
My brother & me...thanks, Brecken!
Opening my last gift...
...& I started laughing since it was an American Girl Doll box.  What could it be?
Daddy tricked me with the box...he wrapped my gifts.  And, he had placed the Ninja Turtle action figures in the American Girl box.  It was really funny!  But, I was glad that it was the action figures and not something from the American Girl store! :)
Daddy had to go back to work, so I enjoyed playing with my gifts for the afternoon.  Then, we headed out for our traditional family birthday dinner, and we had a fun time!

Our Family
July 2, 2013
My 5th Birthday Dinner Celebration
Here I am with some of my cousins that came to my birthday dinner...can you guess where we are?  Big Fire!!!
(L-R: Me, Sam, Brayden, Eric, Brecken, Jackson, McKinly, Madison, Kaitlyn, Stephanie, Easton, & Averie)
Poppy & Nana & Me
After our yummy meal, some of my family came back to our house to celebrate with cupcakes and gifts!  Here is my "5" candle and yummy funfetti cupcakes that I picked for Mommy to make!
Ready for everyone to sing...
Making another wish...
Love opening up some more presents...
Thanks, Uncle Blair, Aunt Blip, McKinly, & Easton for my Leonardo sword!!

My best friend & me
Thanks, Uncle Todd, Aunt Helen, Carter, Kaitlyn, Stephanie, & Madison (and all my VW uncles, aunts, & cousins) for my baseball stuff... ninja puzzle...& other goodies!
Averie & Stephanie enjoying the birthday fun!
My Mommy & me
Uncle Todd was really enjoying my ninja turtle goodies...
...& so was Brecken!
Sure was a super wonderful birthday.  I loved turning 5!!


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