Thursday, January 17, 2013

christmas morning

Christmas of our favorite times of the year!  We enjoy our traditional morning together as a family, and we so thankful to celebrate the birth of Christ!

We began our morning by running into Daddy & Mommy's room (around 8:00) shouting, "Santa came, he really came.  Yay!"  (Our gifts from Santa are hidden, unwrapped, under a blanket by the tree...waiting for us to "unveil."  But, we knew he had come...)  

Then, we read Luke 2...the story of Jesus' birth.  We pray together as a family...and then we begin with "unveiling" our gifts from Santa.  Afterwards, we take a break for a yummy breakfast of eggs, bacon, fruit, & belgian waffles.  Then, we open our gifts as a family...and then we open our stockings.  It is such a fun morning together...and we usually make it last for a few hours!  It's one of our favorite family times together!  Such fun memories...such fun times together!

Daddy reading the Christmas Story from Luke 2...
After reading and praying together as a family, it was time to take away the blankets and see if/what Santa had brought us...

YAY!!!  I got an American Girl doll (now, Gracie has a sister!), and Simba!
So super excited to have McKenna!

Brady got Bucky the ship (from Jake & the Neverland Pirates) & Simba, too!

He was so excited as well!

And, Brecken got a balance bike from Santa...Daddy was showing him how to use it!!
(It's a "new" training wheels...first learn to balance, then learn to pedal rather than vice versa!)
And, Brecken was super excited as well.

Time to stop for a quick picture of us 3 on Christmas our Christmas jammies...excited and ready to go!
Yay for Brecken getting Iron of his favorite words to say.  He calls every action figure "Iron Man."  It's too cute!
Brecken got "side-tracked" and had to check a few emails (on his new laptop from Poppy & Nana) while "riding" his bike!
Brady opening a gift...
...and me, too!

Me, Averie Grace ~ Christmas morning 2012
Brady Joseph ~ Christmas morning 2012
Brecken Thomas ~ Christmas morning 2012
Mommy helping Brecken open up his presents...
...& he was happy about all his gifts!
Daddy helping Brecken, too...
...but, he also loved opening his gifts by himself, too!  He says, "I do" when he wants to do it himself!  Too cute!
Brady opening more gifts...
....& very excited about getting the Avengers DVD!
Me opening more gifts...
...& having McKenna work on her new gymnastics bar!
Brecken opening gifts...
...& trying on Oma's shoes!
Oma reading Brecken one of his new books!
Brady got an Optimus Prime costume as well!

And, I was super excited about getting a lego friends set!!  So fun!

Mommy with her babies
Daddy & his babies
After a clean-up break, we got to each take turns opening up our stockings!!

My & my stocking...
...reading the card...

...& enjoying the goodies inside!

Brady's turn...

...smiling at his gifts inside!
Brecken's turn....Daddy reading his card to him!
And, then, time to dig inside the stocking!
He smiled at all his goodies inside!
Most of our Christmas goodies...from all our family!
Our Family...Christmas Morning 2012
What a wonderful morning we shared together as a family.  We are thankful for the reason we get to celebrate Christmas...the birth of our Jesus!

Merry Christmas to each of you!


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