Wednesday, January 16, 2013

our own gingerbread cookies

A new tradition we started this year was making our own gingerbread cookies, cut them out with Christmas cookie cutters, and then decorate them.  We had such a fun time together as a family.  (In light of recent events in our country, we really cherish our family together even more!)

Daddy helped us with the mixing...
I got my turn...rolling out the dough on the countertop...
...& then "cutting" out my shapes.
Then, it was Brady's turn.  Excuse his no shirt...not sure what was up with that!  Good thing we sanitized the counter before & after our baking fun!

He is rolling out the dough...
...then, cutting out his cookie shapes!
Daddy helped us with the ones that were too "sticky" to pick up and put on the cookie sheet.  Then, they were off to be baked...yuumy!
Plate, Christmas tree shaped cookie, various candy for decorating...I am ready to start!
(We took baths while our cookies were cooking...this is why are in our jammies now!)
Brady all ready to decorate his first cookie...a candy cane!
Brecken is all smiles (yes, he smiles with his eyes closed a lot!) since he saw candy...and a cookie!
And, the decorating begins...

Brecken was too funny.  After Daddy & Mommy showed him how to use his icing as "glue" and place the candy on the icing dots, he would just dip them in the icing and just eat the candy...too cute!
He started getting the hang of it...
And, we are busy decorating!
Fun times!!

Brady & me...cookie fun!
My finished works of art...Christmas tree, snowman, & a candy cane!!
And, Brady's finished cookies...Christmas tree, snowman, & a candy cane!
And, Brecken finally finished just one cookie...he was too busy dipping his M&M's and eating he only made one! :)
What a fun tradition to start!


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