Wednesday, January 30, 2013

"Two Two" ~ family style

Happy Birthday to me, Brecken Thomas!  Each year for our birthday, Mommy decorates our kitchen table very simply for our birthday...usually with our presents and a few of our favorite toys...& our theme for our birthday (if we have one).  So, I came downstairs to see my "birthday table" all ready for me, the big birthday boy!
I picked trains as my theme...Mommy loved it since I would tell her that a train said "Two Two."  So, it fit perfectly!
And, my train is carrying my "2" candle.
Me, my birthday table, and my teddy, Charlie!
Yes, this sweet baby boy is turning 2 years old!
After taking Averie & Brady to school, Mommy let me have some time with her in my room to play with my cars, trains, and kitchen table.
Afterwards, we went to lunch with Daddy & headed home for a birthday nap.  Then, it was time to get on my birthday shirt and head out to our big family dinner at my choice, Big Fire!
I am super excited...
...& super cute!
My family at dinner
I am laughing at Daddy in this picture...
...& this one!
Then, Mommy told me to look at her, and this is the adorable face I give her!
The birthday boy...ready to enjoy his birthday dinner!
And, another family picture before cupcakes!
Then, it was time to sing "Happy Birthday" to me...I loved it...
...until they started banging on their drum...that was a little noisy for me!
Me & my cupcake...
Making a wish!!
And, I'm ready to dive into my cupcake...first with Daddy's help...
...then, all by myself!
Loving it!
My Daddy tried to sneak a bite, but I wouldn't let him! :)
Daddy & Mommy with their birthday boy!
And, my cousin, Easton, also loved his cupcake!
Me with Poppy & Nana
And, my Mommy & me

Time for presents!
Thanks, Uncle Blair, Aunt Blip, McKinly, & Easton for my super cool lego train!
I am trying really, really hard to rip open this present!
Yay...a peek-a-boo puzzle...
...ABC Leap Frog toy... first lego set...
(my face shows some excitement...yay!)
...and (check out my lips)...
...and a bath toy!  Thanks, Uncle Art & Aunt Kelly, for all my birthday goodies!
(We draw names on Mommy's side of the family, and Uncle Art & Aunt Kelly picked my name!)
Oh, and here I am...REALLY trying to open this funny!
Yay...fingerpaints from Poppy & Nana...
...a play 'n fold art studio, too!  Thanks, Poppy & Nana!  I had a great time opening my gifts...and celebrating my birthday with lots of family that could be there!
Once we got home, it was time for a quick picture...and then time to open my gifts from Daddy, Mommy, Averie, & Brady.

I wasn't too thrilled to take the pic, but at least I did it...then, I was ready for some more gifts...I liked opening them!
Fun...magnetic animals and letters!
I was listening as Averie was reading their card to sweet!
I was (obviously) super excited about this gift!
Such a sweet excited about my tractor trailer with matchbox cars!
I was getting a little exhausted trying to open this gift.  Do I not look hilarious??
Goodies in a bag...
...& a pic with my Daddy!
Averie made me my last gift...a homemade book that she wrote and illustrated.  She read it to me.  It was so super sweet, and I am so thankful for my family!  I sure got showered with lots of birthday love!
Oh, and I did get to try out my new truck and cars before heading to bed...
...& I even took a few to bed with me.

Happy Birthday to me!  Such a great day!


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