Wednesday, January 23, 2013

cruisin' into the new year

For Christmas this year, Oma took us on a Caribbean cruise.  This was my 2nd cruise, but my first one was when I was 13 months old, so I didn't remember it.  But, for Brady, this was his first cruise...and his first time flying in an airplane.  We were both so very excited to go on a big boat.  

We flew into Melbourne on Friday evening after Christmas.  On Saturday, Mommy took me, Brady, & Stephanie to Chic-Fil-A, a movie (Wreck It Ralph), and Wal-Mart while Daddy got to go with Uncle Todd & Aunt Helen (&their other 3 children) to the Kennedy Space Center.  Daddy loved it, and we also had a great time!!  That evening, we went to "Big Fire" in Melbourne...& loved it!  The next day, we boarded the ship for our 7 day cruise.

Daddy & us...on our balcony...ready to set sail!
After we set sail, we headed to dinner.  After our yummy dinner, Daddy took us back on the balcony to look outside...all dark.
Brady thought we could still go swimming (he thought we swam any time we wanted on the big boat), so he came out with his goggles on...ready to swim.  So cute!
(Yes, he is also wearing them with Daddy on the balcony!)
We had an adjoining room with Daddy & Mommy.  They had the balcony...we had a porthole.  So, we took a picture in our porthole...having a great time!
The next morning, we stopped at our first stop...Coco Cay...Royal Caribbean's private island.  We were ready for breakfast and then going on the island for swimming & playing in the sand!  Brady was so excited that he wore his goggles and life jacket during breakfast!! :)
Oma joined us for breakfast.
Daddy, Mommy, Averie, & Brady ~ Coco Cay
(We sure missed Brecken on this trip, but since he wasn't potty trained and too young to be allowed in the pools and such, Daddy & Mommy decided to let him have some fun with Poppy & Nana back at home!)
Brady...playing in the beautiful white sands
Me...swimming in the cold, beautiful blue ocean water
Enjoying the sand with some of our cousins.
Brady & Stephanie especially enjoyed the sands...
...building and playing...
...while Carter, Kaitlyn, and me enjoyed the ocean!
It was a gorgeous day, but a chilly day, so Daddy (& Mommy) stayed wrapped up in beach towels while watching us and hanging out with other family members on the beach!
I even got to try to snorkel in the ocean some...found some pretty shells!
Heading back to the ship...Mommy & me
Daddy & Brady
Daddy & Mommy 
Back on board, we got to go swimming in their pool...
...& enjoy their hot tubs...
(us with Jackson)
...& enjoy the endless ice cream!
We celebrated New Year's while on board, so we had a fancy formal dinner in the dining room on New Years Eve.  We had fun getting all dressed up...they had the whole ship all decorated and ready for the big was so cool!

Us...ready to bring on 2013!
They had party hats, headbands, confetti, blowhorns, and necklaces all over the table for us to wear and enjoy!  So, we did.  Here we are with Oma...
Handsome Brady Joseph
Beautiful Averie Grace
Our happy Daddy & Mommy
Daddy & Oma
Mommy & her Brady
3 generations...Oma, Mommy, & me
I am ready to make some noise!
Brady being a lil' stud!
Oma & her girls
After dinner, we went to the promenade deck to ring in the New Year.  There were balloons, confetti, and SO many decorations everywhere!  Here is part of our group!
(L-R Top Row: Mr. Mike Wallace, Mrs. Carla Wallace, Daddy, Uncle Michael, Aunt Lindsey, Sam, & Uncle Thomas
Middle Row: Oma, Uncle Abe, Me, & Brady
Front Row: Aunt Cindi & Uncle Art)
Daddy & Uncle Michael sporting some light up "Happy New Year" and "2013" glasses
Uncle Art & Sam
Daddy & Mommy...ready to celebrate 2013!
They even practiced their "celebratory" kiss!
Us with Oma
Mommy, Oma, Aunt Lindsey...& Daddy jumping in the pic last minute!
Brady with his 2013 light up glasses, ring, necklaces, and glow sticks!
Our Daddy & Mommy...ready to share another wonderful year together!
Uncle Michael, Aunt Courtney, Brayden, & Jackson
Brady giving Mommy a sweet kiss!
Happy New Year!!!!!!!
(Hard to see, but there was confetti, poppers, and SOOOO many balloons everywhere!!)
Mommy & Aunt Helen
Mr. Mike & Mommy
Happy New Year...Mommy & Me
Daddy & Brady
What a fun night.  We stayed up until about 12:45, and we were so wiped out!!  We slept until 10:00 this next morning!  What a great celebration...we are ready for 2013!
The next day was more swimming in the hot tub with Daddy!
 And, each day, Brady got to get a berry banana smoothie!  He loved it and enjoyed every sip!!
 One afternoon, I got to take a cupcake decorating class.  I started with a vanilla cupcake and all the fixin's to make the top look like a frog...
 Rolling out the first set of icing for the eyes!
 Us...watching the the chef tell us what to do next...
Time for to mix my frosting with green food coloring and frost the cupcake.
We were busy little cupcake decorators!
Adding some sprinkles to my frog...
And, me...with my boy frog!
Maybe if I kiss this frog, it'll turn into a prince...haha!
Us girls and our cupcake frogs...aren't they so cute?  It was a fun class!
Each night after dinner, we kiddies got to go to the super fun kid's program.  There were themes, games, activities, and movies.  It was so much fun!  We would stay there for a few hours, and each time, we always wanted to go back.  On this particular night, it was pirate night...and they painted my face like a pirate...arg, matey!
And, on the animal themed night, Brady got his face painted like a tiger...roar!
Most of our days were spent swimming in the pools & other fun activities onboard the cruise ship.  We loved, food, and endless ice cream!

This was a super cool had some jets in it to make it a whirlpool...I had fun going round and round...
...while Brady ran around the kiddies area...laughing and having fun!
One morning, we got up early and headed to a character breakfast with Uncle Todd, Aunt Helen, and their kiddies.  Madagascar was the big movie theme on the ship this time, so we got to have breakfast and meet the main characters from the movie, Madagascar.

Daddy with baby Madison
Daddy & Brady enjoying their chocolate iced donuts...
Mommy & me, still trying to wake up
Brady & me with Alex
Brady & Me with King Julien
Me with Gloria...
...& then Brady decided to join us for the picture!
Some of us relaxing after breakfast...
...& Stephanie & me making silly faces!
After breakfast, Daddy & Mommy let us each have a few dollars for the arcade on the cruise ship, so Stephanie & I had fun riding on the motorcycle...
...riding on the "road"
Meanwhile, Daddy & Carter are shooting people in their games, and Brady was busy playing skee ball!
After lunch and some time by the pool, Daddy took us to play putt putt...on the ship!  That was so cool!
Daddy putting the ball in
My turn...
...& Brady's turn.  (Love the concentration on his face...and his tongue sticking out!)
Us with Daddy...we had a great time, and we loved the blue waters in the background!
Mommy cheered us on!
After some putt putt, Daddy took me rock climbing on the boat.  Brady was too young, so he & Mommy cheered us on.  Here we are...prepped and ready...don't I look a little nervous?
So, after a quick "pep talk" with Daddy, I was ready...
...and off I went!
I was pretty confident at first...
...really climbing the wall...
Then, Daddy started climbing up...
...and we were even climbing up at the same time, but I got really nervous and too high, so I was able to get down...
...and my "guide" put me on his shoulders!  It was fun, but a little scary!
Meanwhile, Daddy is almost at the very top...
...and once he made it to the top, he rang the bell...
...smiled at us from 42 feet in the air...and then came down.
Daddy & me...the rock wall climbers!
It was such a fun week...lots of food, swimming, laughs, and family fun!  We headed back to the airport to head home...we were ready to see Brecken and be home again.  Unfortunately, a 4 hour delay caused us to be at the very small airport for about 7 hours.  Thankfully, we had stuff to keep us entertained...

At the airport...Brady & me
Me...chillin' at the airport with my new turtle, Cocoa, and a tic tac toe pad!

Brady...relaxin' at the airport with his new lion, Alex
They even had a small play area at the airport, so we (big kids and little kids) had fun playing on it.  Here we & Matt inside, Brady & Brayden on the outside.
What a wonderful week!


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