Monday, June 3, 2013

Book of Life

I love going to big church with my Daddy & Mommy.  But, usually I attend my regular children's church and love it.  But, about once every few months, I get to sit with my parents.  Since it was Mother's Day & Oma was coming to my church, I asked to sit with them.  Daddy & Mommy talked it over and agreed that it was ok.  During the service, Pastor Jack talked a lot about salvation.  Then, at the end, he talked about the prayer of salvation (There were lots of guests at our church on this day.) and said that we could repeat it after him if we felt God "calling" us to.  So, once he said the first line, I said it out loud! Daddy & Mommy told me that if I wanted to say it, that I needed to say it in my heart and mind...and with my lips closed.  After Pastor Jack finished the prayer, we all stood to sing.  I leaned over and told Mommy that I wanted to go tell him that I said that prayer and that I really believed it in my heart.  Mommy smiled very big, and then told me to talk to Daddy about it.  So, I did...he asked me lots of questions, and after talking for a few minutes, I walked up to the front with my Daddy and told Pastor Ed (another pastor at our church).  Pastor Ed asked me some questions, and then he said we could talk more after church.  So, we went back to our seats, and I saw Mommy crying.  She assured me they were happy tears.  But, I was so excited about my prayer.  After church, I talked to Pastor Ed a little more and told him what I believed.  Daddy & Mommy were with me, and we were all so very excited. Daddy & Mommy told me that, on this Mother's Day, my name was now written in the Book of Life in Heaven.  They also said that it was the answer to their prayers as parents...they are rejoicing with me.  Now, I get to take a 4 week Ignition class...then, I get to be baptized.  I am very happy, and I am so thankful for what God has done in my life.

Me, now a child of God, with my parents...I am thankful that they pray for me!

May 12, 2013


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