Monday, June 3, 2013

memorial day fun...

Happy Memorial Day!!

We are so excited to spend a lot of our summer swimming.  And, we started our summer break doing just that.  Before our party started, Mommy got a few pics of us...
Brecken was so excited that he put his goggles on right away...and he doesn't even go underwater.  He just wanted to copy Brady! :)
Averie Grace
Memorial Day 2013
Brady Joseph 
Memorial Day 2013
Brecken Thomas
Memorial Day 2013
Another pic of each of us...right by Oma's beautiful planters...

Brecken loved his was so cute!
Karaffa Kiddies
Memorial Day 2013
Ready for some fun in the sun...
Sweet Brecken was adamant about wearing his goggles his he did for a little bit.  So funny!
We invited our awesome small group from church to celebrate the day with us.  8 couples...21 children...great fun!!

Nia & me (Averie) having a tea party!
Daddy helping Brecken fill up his water gun!
He was ready to join in with the boys and their water gun fight!
Mrs. Jessica & Garrison
Brecken jumping in to Daddy!
Daddy & Brady
Brady doing a big cannonball off the big rock!  Splash!!
Then, Brady showed us his new move for this summer...doing a flip off the diving board...go Brady!!
(And, he is no longer wearing a bubble...swimming all by himself!!)
Brecken first time jumping off the diving board...with a little help from Mommy!
Yay Brecken!!
Having some fun in the water!!
Me getting a fun ride with Mr. Jason!
Mommy & Mrs. Lisa
And, then a close-up since Daddy wasn't sure he took a close enough pic...haha!
Some of the boys...Leighton, Brady, & Trent
Aubrey & me
Some of the ladies...Mrs. Lisa, Mrs. Bethany, Mrs. Carmela, & Mommy
Some of the Daddy's with their little girls...Mr. Jason/Emma, Daddy/Me, & Mr. Shane/Kara
Having some fun jumping rope...
...I love jumping rope!
Even Daddy & Mr. Shane jumped rope at the same time.  It was very funny!
Just part of our lunch!
And, Mrs. Bethany's "ho-ho" cake was a huge hit...some of the guys even ate right out of the dish...yummy!
Most of the small group ladies...Mrs. Angie, Mrs. Bessie, Mommy, Mrs. Lisa, Mrs. Carmela, Mrs. Bethany, Mrs. Jessica, & Nia...& 2 photo bombers in the background :)
And, the closer, more personal "squeezy" pic :)
Mr. Jason & Mr. Bruce enjoyed the dessert way too much...they had dessert mustaches! :)
The Guys...Mr. Leland, Mr. Bruce, Mr. Leland, Mr. Jason, Mr. Tim, Mr. David, Daddy, & Mr. Robert
Take 1 of their version of a "squeezy" pic...
...and Take 2...Anyone notice how some of the guys didn't even change looks in any of the 3 pics? :)
Some of the ladies (including Mrs. Tracy, who wasn't pictured in our other group shot) sitting poolside
Some of the little girls hanging out on the rock...
...& the boys on the rock watching the diving board competition...
Brecken with some of the little girls!
We had such a fun day...lots of swimming, laughing, and eating.  We are so thankful for a wonderful small group...and thankful for those men and women who have sacrificed so much so that we could have a Memorial Day!


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