Monday, June 3, 2013

phone pics

Just some fun pics over the last 2 months that Mommy had on her phone...Enjoy!!

Brecken enjoying some "beats" at Target...he was sad that he didn't have enough money saved up to buy these! :)
But, he is adorable!! :)
Finally, we had some warmer weather and could ride bikes outside.  We enjoy riding at Oma's house since she has a long driveway... 
Enjoying a fun bike ride...while I am off at school!
We sure love frozen yogurt.  So, once it was warm enough, Mommy took the boys to enjoy some TCBY.  Here is Brady trying to smile just like Brecken...
...& then Brecken showing his smile!
Attending our good friend's superhero birthday times!
Brecken helping Mommy at the grocery store.  He loves to push the buggies...just like we still do!
Brady made this card for his teacher at school.  Mommy told him the letters, and he wrote it.  Doing a great job...Mommy was so proud of him.  It's hard to believe he is going to kindergarten next year!
Brecken sneaking into Daddy & Mommy's room, taking Daddy's hat, and then smiling so cute with it!
Mommy had a blast at her girl's night.  She went to "Mom Prom," where moms dress up, have a prom, have awesome door prizes and raffles...all to support Cookie Kid's for Cancer.  During the evening, they crown Prom Queens, which are moms that have a child (or had a child) that is going through pediatric cancer.  A great way to raise awareness for pediatric cancer.

Here is Mommy with her friend, Mrs. Jessica...
...& with Aunt Helen
While Brady is in tae kwon do, Brecken & I play in the playroom.  We have fun reading, playing games, or playing on Mommy's phone.  One day, Master Kang's daughter was in there.  After I (Averie) talked to her for a little bit, I asked her to show me how to write things in Korean...a great lesson for me...

So, here is her name, Minji, & my name...written in both English and Korean...
I was trying to copy it...
...not too bad! :)
Then, I wrote a sentence in English, and she wrote it in Korean.  I was amazed at all the ways she wrote the letters.  It was a fun lesson!
After Brady's TKD lesson, we headed to the park for some playtime...we had a great time swinging, sliding, and climbing...

All 3 of us...having a great time!
Brecken playing in the backyard one afternoon...he was a pirate.  Don't you love the way his is looking through his spyglass? :) :)
And, Brecken helping Mommy make pancakes one Saturday morning!


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