Monday, June 3, 2013

preschool graduate

The day has come...another one of us graduates from preschool.  Daddy & Mommy can't believe I am starting kindergarten in the fall, but I've had a great year in my preschool class, and I'm excited to start kindergarten in the fall.

Brady Joseph
May 2013
Preschool Graduate
Marching in...
The Pledges
(I am on the top shirt)
Walking across the stage and receiving my diploma from Mrs. Melody (preschool director)...& my teachers watching me.
And, this is what happens to your diploma while you wait on your friends to receive theirs :)
All ready to finish preschool...
Our class was called the Frogs, so we had our graduation cake with a frog in the center...and all our names on the cake!
Congrats to the preschool graduate.  Daddy & Mommy are so proud of me!
Thanks, Nana, for coming to watch me graduate...
...& Aunt Blip Blip, McKinly, & Easton...
...& Aunt Helen & Madison
My teachers, Mrs. Lindy & Mrs. Kim, & me
Mrs. Melody & me
Showing Mommy my artwork..."I want to be a firefighter with an axe when I grow up."
Brecken & me (Isn't his face precious as he smiles at me?)
McKinly & me
After graduation, we celebrated by having lunch at 131 Main.  While we were there, I got to open my present from Uncle Blair, Aunt Blip, McKinly, & Easton.  Daddy helped me read the card...
...then, I was ready to open my gift...
Yay!!  A nerf watergun!!  I was super excited!!
Even the little ones loved them...Brecken & Easton are also good buddies!
It was a fun morning...I am happy to be kindergarten bound in the fall!


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